Powerful Bites (double chocolate)

When I started keto, I knew sweets were going to be a huge problem for me because they are my absolute weakness. I would always have something sweet each day after dinner or before bed (sometimes both) before keto, so I was so nervous if I could stay on track.

The first two weeks I didn’t have even a lick of something sweet because I was so afraid! In the past, one taste would lead to a second, and a third, then the whole pack of Oreo’s were gone! Oopsie! I was at one of my tattoo appointments when my artist, (and best friend) Jake mentioned these little snacks to me. He is crazy about things high in protein, and isn’t much of a cooking guy due to his busy schedule. So after a few more questions, I learned they were cookie dough bites at Walmart in the yogurt section, they were under $5 and tasted good.

The second I left the shop, I went to Walmart to find them. Sure enough, Jake was right! Keto friendly, only two grams of net carbs in four pieces, six grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. I couldn’t believe it! My other thought was that they were gonna be full of ingredients that I couldn’t pronounce, but I was wrong. First ingredient was peanut butter, followed by erythritol (my favorite sugar substitute), whey protein, coconut oil, cocoa powder, applesauce, and a couple more I won’t bore you with.

That was the double chocolate flavor, and they also have a peanut butter one and a blueberry one that I know of. The net carbs, sugars, and ingredients are very similar in those ones as well. Me being the sweet tooth I am, I started eating them in the car. I couldn’t tell if they were actually good, or if it was because I hadn’t had anything sweet in two weeks. I stuck to the serving size and brought them home for my mom to try. She said they were really good! I was SO excited.

Since you have to keep them refrigerated, I always keep a container of them in my fridge at all times for those days I need to kick that sugar craving. They stay good for a few weeks too, so that is another plus. I hate wasting food! Hope you enjoy!

-Ashley, Not Without Sweetness