Keto Banana Nut Muffins

Original recipe from Joe Duff.

Tomorrow is my three month keto/low carb anniversary. In those three months I haven’t cheated once. I would be lying to you if I said I didn’t think about it though. What got me through, and continues to get me through, are keto friendly desserts. I had no issue getting rid of pasta and bread, but I am addicted to sweets! The first recipes I found were all from Joe Duff. Peanut butter cookies, ice cream, now banana muffins. If you’re not following him, give him a follow on IG or YouTube. He’s fantastic. Anyways, here’s the recipe and instructions:

There are quite a few different measurements in this recipe, so make sure you have a few mixing bowls, and plenty of measuring spoons and cups ready!

  • just short of 1 and 3/4 Cup of almond flour
  • 2/3 Cup confectioners erythritol
  • 1/4 Cup crushed walnuts (I didn’t have, I used peanuts)
  • 1/2 Tbsp baking powder
  • 3/4 Tsp ground cinnamon
  • pinch of salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/3 Cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk (didn’t have, so i used plain unsweetened, and added 1 tsp of vanilla extract to it)
  • 1 stick of melted butter
  • 1/4 Cup full fat sour cream
  • 1/2 Tbsp banana extract
  • 1 Tbsp keto maple syrup
  • 1 Tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350F.

Have a bowl for wet ingredients, and one for dry ingredients. In your wet ingredient bowl, add your 3 eggs, and whisk together until well combined. Add your melted butter, and the rest of the wet ingredients (including sour cream) to that bowl and whisk together until combined, and set aside.

In another bowl, preferably a larger size, add your dry ingredients (except walnuts) and whisk those together. I prefer putting my dry ingredients through a sifter. Since almond flour has a fat content, if needs to be froze or refrigerated or it can go rancid. In doing this, it can get lumpy and clumpy. To ensure the best results in baking, always sift those dry ingredients! Trust me.

Once dry ingredients are well combined, add in your wet ingredients to the dry ones, and fold ingredients in. Once a thick batter forms, add half of your crushed walnuts to the batter, then fold again.

Spray a cupcake mold pan with a non stick spray (I prefer olive oil spray) and add batter to the slots. This recipe can make 12 small muffins, or 9 large. Go big or go home, folks! Take the rest of your crushed walnuts amd sprinkle over the tops of the muffins.

Throw them in the over for 25-30 minutes. Let cool completely, and enjoy! Joe recommends keeping them in an airtight container in the fridge for a few days.

These muffins were so close to the real thing, with only 210 calories, and only 1.5 g of NET CARBS holy crap! So moist and delicious! I recommend cutting in half, microwave just enough to get them warm, and spread some butter on them. Great sweet snack, or a good breakfast alternative when you get sick of eggs!

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