COVID-19/Life Update

I hope whoever is currently reading this is finding themselves well. I know some of us are scared for ourselves, our families, our children. However, we are all in this together, and we all need to keep pushing! This is such a weird time in all of our lives, and I just wanted to get some of my thoughts out here in the open.

If you’re new here, my name is Ashley and I started a low carb diet August 20th, 2019 and have stuck to it ever since! The hardest part was that I have the biggest sweet tooth imaginable, and I knew unless I learned how to bake low carb/keto friendly I wouldn’t be able to stick to my plan. So in October, I dedicated part of my life to making things I used to love having for dessert. I have so much fun doing what I do each day, and sharing it with all of you. I only wish I could post more, but life is a extremely busy chore!

At my heaviest, circa 2012-2013, I weighed 285 pounds. I didn’t know it at the time, but I had my first bout with depression. I went through a earth shattering break up. I cried myself to sleep for about a year straight. I know that seems utterly ridiculous, but when the first love of your life who was also your best friend for like 8 years breaks your heart, it may take awhile to recover. Everyone is different, but it took me a long time to get over. I turned to eating more than ever before, and I had found a job I loved and had money to blow on fast food daily. Looking back, I cannot believe I didn’t gain more than what I did.

I struggled with being overweight as a child since around 1999-2000 and up until now. (That’s a story for another day) Through all of those 20 years I would try diet after diet after diet with no results. However, at the end of 2013 I was determined to change. I was going to the gym like 4-5 times a week, eating low calorie and low fat, and lost like 30 pounds or so. Then as most of us know all too well, I fell off the wagon when summer came along. Gained a little bit back and was hovering at 260.

In July of 2017, I was up to 280, and I had enough. A wonderful new friend of mine was living her vegan lifestyle. She had been doing so for a LONG time and still is, and there is no doubt in my mind that she will continue that forever. She inspired me to try it as well. I seriously LOVED it! I stuck with it for a year and a half, lost 35 pounds. I don’t even remember why I quit, I think I just fell into the temptation of fast food again. It’s so hard.

I managed to stay around 245-255 after I quit, just because I was still working out here and there. I was still eating insane amounts of calories. For example, I would order a mexican pizza with sour cream, a crunchwrap supreme, a chicken quesadilla, and a large soda of some sort from Taco Bell. Somehow, I ate it all! That was roughly around 1,800 calories, just for dinner. I usually had fast food for breakfast too, and with that I was probably consuming close to 3,500 calories on the days I had fast food twice. (which was quite often, at least 4 times a week)

In July of 2019, my grandmother passed away. It absolutely crushed me, I will never forget how bad my mental health got. It took everything I had to go to work. When I would get home from work I would just lay down in my room for the rest of the day just crying, hating myself, and wanting to die. It got so bad in fact, that I finally went to a new doctor and shared my feelings with her. She officially diagnosed me with severe depression and anxiety. I always had a suspicion that I had anxiety, but I never knew how bad it actually was until I started taking medicine for it and started therapy. NEVER feel ashamed to get help. We are all worthy. Everyone is different, and medicine may not work for you…but even though I had a constant migraine for two weeks, once that cleared up I was a brand new woman. I only wish I had done it sooner.

In that same week that I was diagnosed with those, I also got yelled at by my doctor for high cholesterol levels, and my weight. That was enough for me to realize that I did not want to continue living the way I was. I decided I was going to get healthy for the last time ever. For the first time ever, I didn’t have a binge day. (that day that you eat everything you’re gonna miss before you start a diet) I started immediately. As if I could catch a break, that same week my brother was being deployed overseas. I was dealing with so much, I am proud to say I made it through.

So fast forward to present day, I am sitting at 208 while I’m writing this, even though I was 203 before they closed the gyms up due to COVID-19. This has been so tough. Working out at home is not easy in the slightest, and I never thought in a million years I would ever miss going to the gym every day. I am trying my best, but it is a struggle. Temptation is around constantly. Plus being unemployed right now, I swear all I do is nap and eat. Starting tomorrow, I am putting everything I have into getting under 200. I am so close, and putting it out there I feel like I have to hold myself accountable to do so. I have the eating down, it’s just getting off the couch to workout I have to change. Wish me luck!

If you’re still here, I appreciate you reading, and learning about me. I want to share more personal stuff in the future, because it is so freeing, and I’m not afraid anymore. I love who I have become, and who I plan to be. If you already know me personally, you know me a lot better now.

Dear COVID-19, please go away soon. I miss my friends, family, and the gym.

Here’s me at 285
Then at 255 vs 206

Smoked Sausage and Cabbage

This little recipe I put together is so easy, quick, and delicious. Not to mention, it is beyond cheap. I made it as a main dish, but would also be a nice side dish next to some chicken paprikash, which I will be making soon! My mom’s maternal side of the family is Hungarian, so these are foods I am used to having. I was craving some the other day and realized that it would be super easy to make a low carb version. Normally this is served with dumplings or “noodles”, but I opted out and just made it with the good stuff.

Everything can be found at Aldi


  • one head of cabbage
  • one package of kielbasa/smoked sausage
  • one small onion
  • 6 Tbsp of butter
  • salt
  • pepper


Begin by melting your butter in a large skillet or pot on low heat. While this is happening, start dicing an onion. Add it to the skillet, and begin prepping your cabbage. Easiest way to do this is to wash it, then cut out the core.

This is the core, get rid of that thing!
Chop off what you can of it.
Then with a smaller knife, cut around the core until it can be pulled out.
Should look like this.

After the core is removed, cut the whole head in half. Then cut into one inch slices, then repeat on the other half. Then add it to your skillet with the onion.

Bump your heat up to medium, add in salt and pepper to your liking, give it a good stir to coat everything in the butter. Next, cover the skillet and let simmer a few minutes before stirring again. Let it get nice and steamy so you get the cabbage really tender.

While you’re waiting for this to happen, cut up your sausage into bite sized pieces, and add to a different skillet along with a drizzle of olive oil. Put it on a medium heat, and start browning your sausage. I don’t like too much of a char on mine, so i just waited until it got a little color.

Just continue to take turns stirring the different contents, and once your cabbage is nice and tender (about 10-15 minutes), drop it to low heat, taste test to adjust your seasonings if needed. Once your sausage is prepared to your liking, add it into the cabbage mixture, and saute for a few more minutes to let the flavors develop. Serve and enjoy!

BLT Egg Salad Lettuce Boats

Found this recipe via Pinterest and it’s the perfect lunch! I even had it for dinner, and it hit the spot! Once again, everything came from ALDI USA. So yummy, hope you enjoy!

  • 6 hard boiled eggs
  • thinly sliced green onion (about 4) avoiding the ends and tops
  • 1/3 cup of mayonnaise
  • black pepper to taste
  • 1/2tsp smoked paprika
  • crumbled bacon pieces (fresh or store bought)
  • cherry tomatoes halved
  • romaine lettuce leaves

Mash together the eggs as much as possible, the finer the better. Add in the rest of the ingredients and stir. Serve on the romaine leaves (don’t forget to wash them!)

Slow cooker pulled beef

Decided to put this together last night, and it turned out AMAZING. I was getting sick of chicken, so I thought I’d dabble with some beef this time. All ingredients were found at Aldi USA.

2 pounds of beef stew meat

1 medium onion thinly sliced

1 cup beef bone broth

1 Onion soup dry mix packet

1 tsp Steak seasoning

1 tsp garlic paste

Pinch of salt (if needed)

Non stick spray (if desired)

-Lightly spray slow cooker with non stick spray of choice.

-Add in meat and sliced onion to cooker.

-In a separate bowl stir together broth, spices, onion packet, and garlic, then add to slow cooker.

-Cover and cook for 10 hours on low. Serve with choice of steamed vegetable, riced cauliflower, mashed cauliflower, zucchini noodles, etc.